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What happened lately

Spell of Love


We don´t want to anticipate much. But a new story where we were allowed to follow and photoshoot Wendolynn when she visited a fortune teller deep in the forest. It was about arranging special dates or Wendolynn. Such as having an amorous tête-à-tête with Elvis.


Keep track of us and watch the whole story soon. It will be great fun.

We promise.

Photo and Video Shoot


The video shoot for "The new Fragrance by Wendolynn" caused quite a stir. Her PR consultants convinced her to create an own perfum to better her reputation. And also to care for her erotical image since it has been noticed in the public, that Wendolynn was paying more attention to cause new troubles than to behave and look like a popular public person shoud do.


Her media agents wrote a storyline for Wendolynn with analogy to Snow White. Wendolynn should perform an adult Snow White showing her erotical power. It should end in attracting men with her new scent and meeting them while eating an apple. Unfortuanately she felt sick while eating it and started to remember that Snow White was poisened. Immediately she saw red and started to attack her camera team who she suspected. Not barely unjustified due to her most challenging behaviour and demands.

Dinner for Wendolynn.


Miss Wendolynn likes to invite her aristocratic neighbors for extravagant dinners. She belongs to a well-known scandalous titled group who doesn ́t have many limitationsin life. Although it ́s not identified why she can afford an extraordinary fancy lifestyle, she needs to show up others as much as possible.


She became one of those people who likes to be present, no, who need to be

present in the media with all she does. She hired a huge team of photographers to document every single step she takes. This photoshooting presents the dinner rituals of upper-class Englishwoman Miss Wendolynn, who hosts a celebration dinner every night for her friends Mr Pommeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Sir

Toby, and Admiral von Schneider. (The plot has nothing to do with New Year‘s Eve. There is a „Happy new year“ toast, but this is purely a reference to Miss Wendolynn‘s night excesses.)


The problem is that due to Miss Wendolynn ́s considerable attitude, she has outlived all of her friends, and so just her equally short tempered PR-agent Chanellie makes her way to her house. Before Chanellie arrived, Miss Wendolynn impersonated already each of her imaginary guests in turn to taste the food and the drinks.


Watch the whole drama on facebook.




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